Utility Platform
Newsletter - Issue No. 7 - March 2024

Dear readers,

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success." is a quote from Henry Ford that describes the development of our Utility Platform well. The dynamics in the partnerships are unbroken.

Finally, in this newsletter, we would like to give you an insight into the new partnerships in the waste sector that were established last year. Back in October, a delegation from Lübeck travelled to their partners in Sarandë and Cërrik in Albania. At the beginning of December, the Ukrainian partners from the Poltava region visited their colleagues from the Bergischer Abfallverband. You can find more background information on our website.

There are also three new partnerships in the water sector with two water utilities in Ukraine's neighbouring country Moldova and one in Zambia. This newsletter also includes  a travel report on the first trip to Su Canal Comrat by colleagues from the LWG Cottbus.

The longer-established utility partnerships are continuing their cooperation. This is illustrated by our insights into the partnerships between the Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband (OOWV), the Wupperverband and the South African partners. The report on the GIS solutions developed by the partners of Gelsenwasser AG and the Lukanga Water Supply and Sanitation Company in Zambia also makes exciting reading.

Behind the scenes, we are continuing to work diligently on the follow-up project for the Utility Platform, which is due to start in July 2024. Before then, we will take another detailed look at past successes at our networking event on 25 and 26 April in Dresden.

The IFAT 2024 (Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies) will take place in Munich from 13 to 17 May. Together with our cooperation partners, the German Association of Local Public Utilities (VKU) and the German Water Partnership (GWP), we will be represented with our own programme items. We hope to meet many of you in person in Munich or Dresden.

We wish you inspiring reading!

Your team of the Utility Platform
Heiko Heidemann (GIZ) and Linda Engel (SKEW)

LWG starts knowledge transfer with SU Canal Comrat in Moldova
Five colleagues from LWG Lausitzer Wasser GmbH & Co. KG travelled to Comrat for this purpose.

The first phase will focus on reducing energy consumption, increasing the use of renewable energy and developing a guideline for action, including for the renovation of the wastewater and water drainage network in Comrat.

First study trip in new German-Ukrainian solid waste utility partnership
Ukrainian joint waste management authority of Poltava region designs the joint waste management system for four municipalities with the help from Bergische Abfallwirtschaftsverband

For the EcoService2022 partners, the exchange of experiences provided important insights into the future direction of the circular economy in Ukraine and showed the delegation that the Bergisches Land Waste Management Association can provide support in harmonising with EU standards in waste legislation.

Lübeck garbage containers in the middle of Albania?
Study trip from Lübeck's waste management company to Sarandë and Cërrik

Improving compost production in Cërrik and separating, collecting and processing recyclable materials in the tourist coastal town of Sarandë - different starting situations and challenges that Lübeck's waste management companies are happy to tackle together with their partners.

"Build bridges from two sides!"
Intercultural communication: Dealing with foreignness and cultural differences in German-Zambian cooperation

Over two half days on 1 and 2 February 2024, teams from Fernwasserversorgung Elbaue-Ostharz, Zweckverband Wasser und Abwasser Vogtland and Stadtentwässerung Dresden took the opportunity to learn more about tips and tricks as well as potential pitfalls in everyday working life with their Zambian colleagues.

Understanding the background better
Impressions of a delegation from the OOWV from their work visit to East London to their partner Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality

In South Africa, the human right to drinking water has a slightly different meaning than the one we know in Germany. Here, needy households are entitled to six cubic metres of water per month free of charge. This presents the utility with the challenge of refinancing the maintenance of the facilities.

"...as if you've known each other forever and a day."
An interview with Eike Riediger

Eike Riediger works as a wastewater process controller at the Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband (OOWV). As part of the partnership with the South African metropolitan municipality of Buffalo City (BCMM), he visited the East Bank wastewater treatment plant there at the end of 2023 as part of a delegation and reports on his experiences.

Digital solutions in Zambia
Introducing a web-based geo-information system at Lukanga Water Supply & Sanitation Company

Uwe Raback, engineer for geodata management, is responsible of geographic information systems (GIS) in the partnership on behalf of Gelsenwasser. The example of the use of GIS at Lukanga shows that solutions from the German context cannot be transferred 1:1. Nevertheless, the partners work together to develop customized solutions.

Network meeting at the end of the pilot phase of the utility platform
SAVE THE DATE: 24 – 26 APRIL 2024

The utility platform pilot phase is due to end by 30 June 2024. A good reason to reflect on what has been achieved and look ahead to what comes next. Participating utilities are cordially invited!

Media Centre
Utility Platform
The Utility Platform is a joint project of:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Potsdamer Platz 10, 10785 Berlin | Deutschland
Kontakt: Heiko Heidemann
Email: heiko.heidemann@giz.de
Engagement Global gGmbH
Service Agency Communities in One World

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn | Germany
Contact: Linda Engel
Email: linda.engel@engagement-global.de
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