Utility Platform
Newsletter - No. 5 - October 2023

Dear readers,

"When you jump into cold water, you dive into a sea of possibilities." This little piece of wisdom about water describes quite well the process that many utility partnerships are currently going through. Delegations from water utilities are visiting each other, such as colleagues from Kyiv at Hamburg Wasser, a South African team from Buffalo City in Oldenburg and Radevormwald, or representatives of Saxon water and wastewater utilities in Mansa, Zambia. The technical discussions are being intensified, cooperation is being strengthened, best practices are being transferred and new fields of cooperation are being explored. Let our insights inspire you!

The solidarity utility partnerships between German and Ukrainian municipal enterprises continue to be a particular focus of our work. In two well-attended virtual "YOUtility Lunches", we provided tips and tricks for cooperation and pointed out possible pitfalls and faux pas due to different working cultures.

In addition, the Utility Platform will be represented at the German-Ukrainian Municipal Partnership Conference 2023 with its own expert forum: "Water and Sanitation in Ukraine - What Partnership Approaches Help in War and Reconstruction?"

We were also pleased that the work of the Utility Platform and its 14 Solidarity Utility Partnerships was recognised by an invitation to present at the Lviv Eco Forum 2023.
Last but not least, utility partnerships in the waste sector are now also gaining momentum. Two partnerships with German and Albanian municipal companies and one between a German and a Ukrainian waste management company were recently established. We will report more on this in the next issue and soon on our website.

We wish you inspiring reading!

Your team of the Utility Platform
Heiko Heidemann (GIZ) and Linda Engel (SKEW)

There is no Ukrainian term for "appointment"
Insights from the YOUtility Lunch – How German and Ukrainian partner utilities work successfully together

Many international cooperations can fail due to a lack of understanding of the different ways of working on both sides if the cultural differences are not sufficiently known. On two consecutive days on October 17 and 18, first Ukrainian participants and then participants from German municipal companies were made aware of possible pitfalls and faux pas in cooperation.

Let's Restore Ukraine Together
The utility platform as a guest at the Ukrainian Lviv Eco Forum 2023

More than a dozen water utilities in various regions of Ukraine have established partnerships with German utilities as part of the Utility Platform. Another two partnerships are currently in preparation. Against this background, the Utility Platform was invited to the Lviv Eco Forum 2023 - the most important event of the Ukrainian water industry - to present its work.

Technical discussions on the optimisation of drinking water treatment with the Harzwasserwerke and Kyivvodokanal
Intensive exchange within the solidarity utility partnership Hamburg Wasser - Kyivvodokanal

A delegation of Ukrainian peers visited Hamburg Wasser from 16 to 22 July 2023 to strengthen cooperation and exchange experiences in the field of water supply. The Ukrainian delegation showed great interest in the good practices and procedures used in Hamburg around drinking water treatment.

Joint job training at the wastewater treatment plants of Oldenburg and the Wupperverband
"First Class Program" inspires partners from South Africa

This was already the 3rd visit of the South African team to Oldenburg. From 16 to 29 July 2023, a delegation of six from Buffalo City, South Africa, travelled to the German cities Radevormwald and Oldenburg. In teams of three, they each visited the two wastewater treatment plants for a week. The delegation was particularly interested in the sewage sludge management.

Kick-off visit of the utility partnership between Zambia and Saxony
Public water and wastewater companies from Dresden, Torgau and Vogtland in Germany travel to Luapula Water Supply and Sanitation Company in Mansa, Zambia

The main goal of the partnership is to train and optimise the operation and maintenance of existing facilities in the drinking water and wastewater sector. However, the partners are also interested in business management, recruitment of skilled staff, commercial aspects as well as public relations and plan to engage in exchange of expertise on these topics.

German-Ukrainian Municipal Partnership Conference 2023
The Utility Platform with its own expert forum: "Water and sanitation in Ukraine - What partnership approaches help in war and reconstruction?"

The sixth German-Ukrainian municipal partnership conference will take place in Leipzig from 13 to 15 November 2023 and offer participants a varied programme with expert impulses and networking opportunities, in which the Utility Platform will contribute with an expert forum. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, patron of the German-Ukrainian municipal partnership network, and Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze will contribute to the event's high-level programme with their greetings and keynote speeches.

Media Centre
Utility Platform
The Utility Platform is a joint project of:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Potsdamer Platz 10, 10785 Berlin | Deutschland
Kontakt: Heiko Heidemann
Email: heiko.heidemann@giz.de
Engagement Global gGmbH
Service Agency Communities in One World

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn | Germany
Contact: Linda Engel
Email: linda.engel@engagement-global.de
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