It is with deep concern that we observe the latest developments and we are worried about the massive consequences of Russia's attack on Ukraine. The war threatens people's lives, destroys their livelihoods and causes terrible suffering. Development achievements will be seriously harmed. Our solidarity is with the Ukrainian people.
There are over 70 partnerships between German and Ukrainian municipalities that have built bridges between our countries. In our project, municipal utilities are working closely together to improve public services.
In 2019, Stadtentwässerung Dresden launched a joint project with Lviv's water and wastewater company Lvivvodokanal under difficult pandemic conditions to optimise staff management and wastewater management facilities in Lviv. Other collaborations started at the end of last year with operators from Nadvirna and Ternopil. Thanks to this professional exchange, we got to know and highly appreciate our colleagues - also on a human level. The German partners are now planning to organise aid transports to Ukrainian cities to provide practical help.
Our thoughts and solidarity go out to our colleagues, their families and people from all over Ukraine!