Logistics hub for Ukrainian water and waste water companies

Donation campaign for Ukrainian water companies

In order to provide additional support to Ukrainian water suppliers in times of war, the Utility Platform has launched a donation campaign  cooperation with the German Association of Local Utilities (VKU) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with the support of the GIZ country office in Ukraine. The VKU is in direct dialogue with the Ukrainian water association "Ukrvodokanalecologiya", which pools the requests for assistance from its 160 member companies and sends the VKU specific lists of requirements.

Since January 2023, German water suppliers have been able to send urgently needed water technology to Ukraine free of charge and without much effort of their own via the logistics partner "Go Local". GoLOCAL is a Ukrainian NGO that partners with Ukrainian communities, donor organizations, and businesses for achieving socio-economic development of Ukraine. At the Utility Platform, GoLOCAL is responsible for the transport and customs clearance. The costs of the customs clearance and transport are borne entirely by the utility platform, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Since the start of the donation campaign, 49 German water suppliers have taken part in the appeal for donations. A total of 70 packages containing 4179 goods have been donated to Ukrainian water suppliers. The total value (in the case of used goods, the estimated or symbolic value) of the donated goods amounts to over 3.8 million euros. A sign of great solidarity with Ukraine!

Water technology, e.g. pumps, top the list of donated goods, followed by generators and transformers. Special vehicles and pumps were donated to Ukraine most frequently.

Participation in the fundraising campaign for Ukrainian water companies

Would you and your water company also like to take part in the donation campaign for Ukrainian water companies? On this website of the Association of Municipal Enterprises (VKU) https://www.vku.de/themen/infrastruktur-und-dienstleistungen/artikel/wasserwirtschaft-hilft-ukraine/ [in German] you will find the list of requirements with precise details of what goods are currently needed on the Ukrainian side.

Even if you have technical assistance offers that are not on the list, you can contact the VKU via the above-mentioned link. The rest of the process is organised by GIZ: as soon as the goods to be sent have been determined, customs clearance and the transport of goods are prepared by GIZ's logistics partner "GoLOCAL". The transport is free of charge for donating companies and is financed via the Utility Platform by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Solidarity Utility Partnerships with Ukraine

Due to the current war situation, the focus of the Solidarity Operator Partnerships continues to be on procuring the necessary technical equipment along with corresponding advice to support the Ukrainian partner companies in restoring vital critical infrastructure. In many partnerships, the focus is slowly shifting from procurement to the professional exchange of technical knowledge and experience between operators alongside with small procurements, while in others the focus is still on procurement. 

In order to transport these procurements safely to the Ukrainian water utilities, the Utility Platform has been working with the Ukrainian NGO partner organization "GoLocal" since December 2022, which coordinates the logistical processes and carries out the transports. Since then, important technical equipment has been procured for the Ukrainian partners, such as frequency converters, water pumps (submersible pumps, motor pumps), emergency generators, mini excavators and suction vehicles.  

2336 goods worth 3.3 million euros have been procured so far. The delivery of some of these goods with a value of approximately 318,000 euros is still pending. They are currently on their way to the Ukrainian water companies or in the procurement process and will soon arrive at the Ukrainian partner companies.

Donated and procured goods for Ukraine

If the donation hub and the procurements in the solidarity utility partnerships are added together, goods worth a total of over EUR 7 million were donated and procured for Ukraine via the operator platform. A total of 58 German companies were involved in procurements and donations. 66 different Ukrainian companies have benefited from donations and procurements.

The most frequently donated and procured items were pumps, special vehicles, tools, connecting elements for water technology and converters.



Template: List
Let's Restore Ukraine Together

Let's Restore Ukraine Together


The utility platform as a guest at the Ukrainian Lviv Eco Forum 2023

872 donated goods for Ukrainian water utilities

872 donated goods for Ukrainian water utilities


Thank you very much for your donation!
