Hamburg Wasser – KASHWASA and KUWASA

Capacity development on all aspects relating to drinking water supply

Improving the performance of the water supply network and optimising water treatment

The overall project goal is to establish a sound long-lasting cooperation in partnership between KASHWASA, KUWASA, HAMBURG WASSER, and Netze BW


The project participants

International partner


KASHWASA produces and treats water from Lake Victoria in Northern Tanzania, conveys it through the transmission main of over 600 km and supply water in bulk to eight Water Supply and Sanitation Authorities and 170 Community Based Water Supply Organizations. The service areas include several Districts with a population of 1 Mio people.


International partner


Kahama Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (KUWASA) is supplied with bulk treated water from KASHWASA. KUWASA is located in Kahama Municipal in Shinyanga Region. Currently, Kahama Municipal has an estimated population of 308,296 people. The water service coverage for Kahama is 82% and its one of the top three Water Utilities in Tanzania with high performance.


Lead partner

Hamburg Wasser

HAMBURG WASSER is a group of public water and wastewater utilities providing water and sanitation services to more than two million consumers in the metropolitan region of Hamburg, Germany. There are two separate legal entities in the company – Hamburg Water Works (Hamburger Wasserwerke GmbH) and Hamburg Public Sewage Company (Hamburger Stadtentwässerung AöR) – they were combined in 2006 under one roof with a common aim, structure and procedures, as well as identical management for the first three hierarchical levels. The Federal State of Hamburg owns both companies.

Participating partner

Netze BW Wasser

Netze BW Wasser is the largest water utility in Baden-Wuerttemberg and responsible for supplying water to the more than 600,000 inhabitants of the City of Stuttgart.



The project

The overall project goal is to establish a sound long-lasting cooperation in partnership between KASHWASA, KUWASA, HAMBURG WASSER, and Netze BW.

The concrete goals and targets are the following:

  1. Improved operation and maintenance of drinking water infrastructure
  2. Management support and strategic planning

Improvement of water supply network performance

Water leakages in distribution networks are generally perceived as a waste of resources and damaging to the environment. During times of water scarcity, the topic of water leakage is prominent. With the increasing trend towards sustainability, economic efficiency and environmental protection, the minimization of water leakages is one priority of this partnership.

In addition, an initial rough analysis for the introduction and operation of energy generating measures (turbine operation) for energy recovery from the water supply network will be carried out by the peers to determine whether this is a viable and cost-effective option for KASHWASA.

Optimisation of treatment processes in the drinking water production

KASHWASA produces drinking water by collecting raw water from Lake Victoria and transport it to the water treatment plant where it is treated and then pumped as bulk water to KUWASA. The partners will jointly analyse and assess the water treatment facilities at KASHWASA’s to develop and implement an action plan for the optimisation of the treatment process as well as for the reduction of chemical use and energy consumption.

Development and implementation of a GIS unit

GIS is an essential tool for an efficient operation and management of water utilities. The peers from the GIS department in Germany will team up with their counterparts from KASHWASA/KUWASA to provide technical assistance in the development and establishment of a GIS unit and provide training and best practices in the application of the equipment and software.

Management support and strategic planning

In this area, the self-assessment of utility performance for the identification of baseline institutional performance is to be supported and an agreement of roles & responsibilitiesis to be concluded. The focus will also be on supporting the self-assessment of the performance capacity of the water supply networks and an exchange on strategic planning and benchmarking to define institutional development strategies.

Project profile

Project partner


KASHWASA in Shinyanga

KUWASA in Kahama


Hamburg Wasser (Lead-Partner)

Netze BW Wasser, Stuttgart (Co-Lead-Partner)

Key thematic areas

Improved operation and maintenance of drinking water infrastructure

Management support and strategic planning

Fact sheet

Knowledge transfer and cooperation between Tanzania and Germany

Fact sheet about the water operators partnership (WOP) between KASHWASA, KUWASA in Tanzania and HAMBURG WASSER, and Netze BW Wasser in Germany.


From project work

Template: List
Helping to prevent water leaks in Tanzania

Helping to prevent water leaks in Tanzania


A journey by Netze BW employees into a completely different world - but technically on familiar…

Optimisation of water treatment on site

Optimisation of water treatment on site


First fact-finding mission of German experts from HAMBURG WASSER and Netze BW Wasser to Kahama and…
