Utility Platform
Newsletter - No. 3 - April 2023

Dear Friends of the Utility Platform,

this year, the topics water and sanitation are high on the political agenda. In March, a UN conference on water was held for the first time in 50 years. Governments, organizations, businesses, and civil society came together in New York in order to find ways to overcome the global water crisis. The numbers are disconcerting – there are still 2 billion people who lack access to safe water, and 3.6 billion people without decent access to sanitation. Sanitation and water for all by 2030, as claimed by SDG 6, currently seems unreachable. 

In order to implement the UN Water Decade 2018-2028 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a global action agenda for water, the "Water Action Agenda", has emerged from the conference. Member states and other parties representing various branches and sectors have so far submitted more than 700 voluntary commitments.
Together with the Netherlands, Germany has launched the Urban Water Catalyst Initiative. Its aim is to mobilise public and private investments for cities and water operators in the Global South. 

After all, it is the local water utilities that provide people with drinking water and sanitation. In this third issue of our newsletter, you can also find out what contribution our water operator partnerships (WOPs) make to strengthening the water suppliers. The issue provides insights into the current work of the WOPs of the utility platform as well as of the entire network.

And we have good news: Our utility platform is growing and the solidarity operator partnerships between German and Ukrainian water companies now comprise seven partnerships. The latest newcomer is the solidarity operator partnership between the Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband and Schytomyr. Many thanks to all involved!

We are also looking forward to two important events happening in Germany in May. On a global level, GWOPA’s 5th Global WOPs Congress will take place in Bonn, from 22 to 25 May 2023.
At the national level, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is hosting the event 'Water Operators' Partnerships - Sustainable Water Security Beyond Aid' on 24 and 25 May in Berlin. Right after the BMZ event, we invite you to our 6th network meeting of the utility platform in the same location. 

We hope this series of events makes more decision-makers aware of the opportunities WOPs can offer and the stumbling blocks we still need to overcome to pave the way forscaling up the partnership approach including a sustainable financing model. 

Enjoy the read and recommend the newsletter to your colleagues!

Your team of the Utility Platform

Heiko Heidemann (GIZ) and Linda Engel (SKEW)

From advisory skills, energy analyses and water treatment to communicating results
A wide variety of topics at the 5th virtual network meeting of the Utility platform in November 2022

"More and better water for less money" is the declared goal of process optimisation in the area of wastewater treatment in the partnership between Hamburg Wasser, hanseWasser Bremen and Miyahuna Water Company (Jordan). Hamburg Wasser and its Tanzanian partners, Kashwasa and Kuwasa, are pursuing the same objective in the field of drinking water treatment. The approach was received with great interest by the other partnerships. However, soft topics such as advisory skills or impact communication in social media also made up the agenda.

Intercultural awareness training for Ukrainian-German solidarity utility partnerships

Why learn about intercultural differences between Ukrainians and Germans? Because they matter! For successful partnerships it is useful to understand underlying values and norms of your counterparts. This is why the utility platform offered a crash course on intercultural awareness for German and Ukrainian colleagues involved in solidarity water utility partnerships.

Equipment and expertise for reconstruction for Ukrainian partners
Insights into the solidarity-based utility partnership at the YOUtility Lunch on 19 January 2023

After a first initiating contact in June 2022 at the Munich-based Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies (IFAT), the Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischen Wasserverband (OOWV) is now supporting the Ukrainian partner utilities Chernihivvodokanal and Miskvodokanal in Sumy with much-needed technical equipment and expertise to rehabilitate the water infrastructure. In an online event with over 40 participants, the colleagues from Sumy, Chernihiv and the OOWV gave inspiring insights into their partnership.

Utility and solidarity partnerships with Ukraine
New special page on our website

Which utility partnerships with Ukraine are already in place? Which ones will start soon? What are the thematic priorities and the latest news from the projects? What do I have to consider if I want to engage in a solidarity utility partnership? Check out our new special page! We also welcome new participating interests!

Arab Water Week and third mission to Miyahuna
An excursion report by Dr.Claudia Wendland, HAMBURG WASSER

The colleagues from Miyahuna and Hamburg Wasser presented their Water Operators` Partnership (WOP) and its activities at the Arab Water Week and reported on the results of water production optimisation. During the visit to the Miyahuana operation sites, the partners agreed on a laboratory partnership for the next 1.5 years.

Knowledge exchange and environmental education
Return visit from South Africa to the Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband and the Wupperverband

"The city of the future is green and blue" was the motto of the environmental education project for young people that the OOWV, the Wupperverband and the South African Metropolitan Municipality of Buffalo City organised simultaneously in their municipalities on the occasion of World Water Day. At the South African-German technical exchange in March 2023, the topics of effluent qualities, measuring techniques and energy generation were high on the agenda. The partners visited the wastewater treatment plants in Oldenburg and the drinking water protection zone of the Wupperverband.

Resilience in challenging times: Mobilizing collaboration for future-ready water and sanitation service providers

The Global WOPs Alliance (GWOPA) will host its 5th Global Water Operators' Partnerships Congress from 23 to 25 May in Bonn, Germany. The event provides an ideal platform for international exchange of experiences, for sharing good practices across partnerships, for initiating new partnerships and for strengthening the international network.

Water Operators' Partnerships – Sustainable Water Security Beyond Aid
An event of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with the participation of State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth, 24 and 25 May 2023

Particularly in times of crisis, safe water resources and a well-functioning water and sanitation supply are part of the critical infrastructure of our society. At the same time, climate change, urbanisation and population growth are already exacerbating water shortages. join us to discuss with high-level guests how the water operator partnership approach can be further developed to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6.

6th Network Meeting of the Utility Platform
The pilot partnerships are cordially invited to the 6th network meeting on 25 and 26 May 2023 in Berlin.

After the BMZ event "Operator partnerships: A contribution to sustainable water security" with State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth on 24 May 2023, we invite all colleagues from our utility partnerships to a network meeting on the following two days. It will provide a great opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss new ideas. 

New initiatives for safe drinking water and sanitation worldwide

The United Nations World Water Conference can claim a number of major achievements. The central result of the conference is the global "Water Action Agenda". Member states and other actors have submitted more than 700 voluntary commitments to improve the drinking water and sanitation sector worldwide.

With the Urban Water Catalyst Initiative, Germany and the Netherlands are launching a global initiative to mobilise public and private investment for climate-resilient water operators and cities in the Global South.

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Utility Platform
The Utility Platform is a joint project of:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Potsdamer Platz 10, 10785 Berlin | Deutschland
Kontakt: Heiko Heidemann
Email: heiko.heidemann@giz.de
Engagement Global gGmbH
Service Agency Communities in One World

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn | Germany
Contact: Linda Engel
Email: linda.engel@engagement-global.de
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