

Intercultural awareness training for Ukrainian-German solidarity partnerships

Short review of our event on 9 and 10 February 2023

Why learn about intercultural differences between Ukrainians and Germans? Because they matter! For successful partnerships it is useful to understand underlying values and norms of your counterparts. This is why the utility platform offered for German and Ukrainian colleagues involved in solidarity water utility partnerships this crash course on intercultural awareness on 9 and 10 of February. The training took place in two groups and the trainer, Dr. Aksana Kavalchuk, conveyed different working styles, communication habits and social rules to German and Ukrainian participants. Each training took 90 minutes and had around 15 participants. Unfortunately, the Ukrainians suffered under severe Russian attacks this day so not everyone could follow the training until the end.

Thanks everyone for joining and we hope this is another piece of the puzzle for a successful cooperation and supporting our Ukrainian colleagues in times of war.

Linda Engel, Utility Platform

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