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Hamburg Wasser
herausgegeben von:
Hamburg Wasser
Fact sheet about the water operators partnership (WOP) between KASHWASA, KUWASA in Tanzania and HAMBURG WASSER, and Netze BW Wasser in Germany.
The overall approach is to provide a common and equal ground to establish sustainable capacity development measures through continuous peer-to-peer exchange and knowledge transfer among all partners on all aspects of drinking water supply.
The concrete goals and targets are the following:
1. Improved operation and maintenance of drinking water infrastructure:
a. Improved Water Supply Network Performance (NRW)
b. Optimzed treatment processes in the drinking water production
c. GIS unit developed and implemented
2. Management support and strategic planning:
a. Self-assessment of utility performance incl. agreement of roles & responsibilities, initial guidance on self-assessments of utility Performance
b. Assist with strategic plan and benchmarking
Hamburg Wasser
The utility partnership started in July 2019, initially with three German partners and Lvivvodokanal…
This WOP project is one of nine international WOPs, three solid waste operator partnerships and 16…