70 people from the partnerships, of which there are now seven, took part in order to discuss their partnerships.
First off, Ms Barbara Baumbach from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) welcomed the participants in a short opening speech.
Heiko Heidemann from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and Silvia Boehmsdorff from the Service Agency Communities in One World at Engagement Global, then jointly reported on the current status of the project. The two speakers were particularly pleased that activities within the partnerships are gaining momentum. They were also pleased to note that in at least in some of the partnerships, project actors have been able to visit their international partners.
Following the informative presentation, a 'virtual' gallery walk was next on the agenda. Each partnership was ale to provide a glimpse of their activities since the last meeting, and report on both the challenges they currently face and the positive results they have already achieved.
After a break, the participants met in working groups to compare notes on the topics of asset management, water loss reduction and water treatment.
The results of the dialogue were captured on a virtual whiteboard and as a graphic recording. The event produced lively discussions that strengthened the network and boosted synergies between the utilities.
Detailed documentation of the event:
Networking Event – Utility Platform for Strengthening Partnerships of Municipal Utilities Worldwide
23 November 2021